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The Strangers' Case
Tragedy strikes a Syrian family in Aleppo, starting a chain reaction of events involving five different families in four different countries. Featuring Greek actor Constantine Markoulakis, it highlights the enduring human struggle for empathy and survival.

Set against the hauntingly beautiful backdrop of a remote Greek island around 1900, “Fonissa” (Murderess) unravels a powerful drama that dives deep into the human psyche and societal norms. This gripping tale is based on Alexandros Papadiamantis’s classic novel, bringing to life the harrowing story of Hadoula.

behind the haystacks
“Behind the Haystacks”, a poignant drama set in 2015 at the Greece’s northern border. A debt-ridden fisherman near Doiran Lake opts for trafficking immigrants to subsist his family’s living, while grappling with the hard-edged reality of refugees stranded at the northern borders of Greece.
cities across canada
Greek International Film festival tour of canada
A showcase and celebration of Greek cinema and filmmakers of Greek Heritage. This festival will provide exciting platform for directors, writers, producers, and actors of Greek Heritage to showcase their exceptional art right across Canada.