Karagkiozis The Movie – Animation
by G. Karras, Aik. Papageorgiou
Greece 2022, 74 min., Greek with English subtitles
The first 3D animation movie produced in Greece presents the ultimate symbol of Greek folklore and tradition Karagiozis, and welcomes us to his universe Karagiozis: the movie. He’s poor but optimistic, funny with sarcastic humor, clever and simple, he enjoys socializing and interacting with his fellow villagers, and now he becomes Public Secretary (!). Funny dialogues, upheavals, traditional Greek music and scenery form a unique mosaic of laughter, emotions, rhythm, joy and a hero full of energy, who will guide us to his world! The Commander decides to appoint a public secretary to serve the citizens, since his employees are forced to neglect their work, in order to serve the illiterate people of the region for their literacy needs. Hadjiavatis undertakes the duty to find the right person, until he meets Karagiozis, who mentors him for his grammar knowledge. The hero hilariously accepts the post, after impressing the Commander with his qualifications.
The film is a co-production with Cosmote TV.
The ticket for Karagkiozis The Movie includes the screening of the short films “The Ride” and “Socks Manifesto”
The Premier night will start with a Red Carpet Event sponsored by our Title Sponsor GTA Strategies.